Monday, June 4, 2012


Asisco Automotive Inc.
414 Spring Street
Elizabeth, NJ  07207

The purpose of this report is to inform persons of interest about the current business practices of Asisco Automotive Inc. and its information systems .
Asisis Automotives Inc. is a family owned and operated business that began in 1961.  It is a woman owned enterprise that is the size of a city block.  The location is located on a major highway five lights south of the Newark International Airport.  Accessibility is by public transportation, driving and walking.
Assisco is a wholesaler, retailer, and distributor of automotive needs and accessories for cars, truck, and marine purposes.
Asisco Automotives Inc. has one location.  The company currently has 16 employees working full-time.  Employees continue to include family and non-family with a range of experience between one to twenty-five years.  The company was originally located in Newark, NJ on Van Buren Street in a one car garage.  In 1963, the original owner purchased property in Elizabeth and  moved the company in an effort to save money by not renting.  The company continue to grow was able to expand by purchase the surrounding land extending it business to accommodate customer needs.
The customer base is wide ranged as the location provides for loyal, repeat, and one time service.  Asisco deals with retail customers  along with dealerships, mechanics, garbage companies, trucking companies, construction and excavation companies, landscapers, etc.   Asisco is a dealer of Exide batteries, Fleetguard filters, Donaldson filters, and Blackhawk tools. 

“ICAS computer systems inc. began 30 years ago.  It has been a leading provider of superior business management software provided to aftermarket distribution companies.  These companies are warehouse distributors, jobbers, and truck parts & service operations.  The company’s innovative solutions are designed specifically for inventory intensive environments to increase productivity and efficiency while maintaining the industry’s lowest TCO.  ICAS is committed to their customer’s success by providing world-class customer service and support.”    The link is accessible at

Icas is privately held and headquartered in Dover, NJ with regional sales offices.
Assisco Automotive Inc. has been using ICAS systems for over 20 years for accounting, inventory, and accounts receivable.
Also, Asisco uses one cash register which is not linked to the computer system for inventory or financial purposes.  The opening till is an amount not disclosed but consistent to the level of business associated with the average level of business.  Managing the business transaction are based on the cash register on “out-of-pocket” cash.  A receipt is required for all transactions and the reconciliation is done on a daily basis.  

1 comment:

  1. Good overview and you broke down the systems well. You did not compare the out-of-date systems with anything discussed in the text. You have not summarized any of the text material in terms of silos, types of business intelligence, hardware and software, etc.
